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I grew up being pushed, pulled, protected, and provided for. Older siblings paved the way for me to be me. They tested the waters and created safer paths for me to mirror, maneuver, and manage to avoid. I was given opportunities to learn to lead, follow, and fight. And I took those opportunities often.
Siblings have a way of wrestling the best out of you. You develop talents and skills because of them and despite them.
There is a deep bond that only siblings can feel. A separate language based on innuendos, inferences, and educated assumptions.
Sarcasm born from sibling competitiveness can fuel resentment and even hate. But never think that that anger and disdain is enough to break that bond. All that is needed is the right action or comment from the wrong person and sibling will unite to protect their own. A power from deep within our hearts and souls. A sense of responsibility, respect, and resound to respond whenever and wherever we are needed.
Friends are found and forgotten but the fondness of siblings is forged for forever and can be felt from 1,000s of miles away. It lasts the test of time and sustains silence and absence without missing a beat.
B - Best friends and best enemies
A - Advisors and architects
C - Challengers and Cheerleaders
O - Order of Birth Theory?
N - Never needing Nannies!
Call all your brothers and sisters and tune in together. Let us spark some memories of laughter, loss, and love.
For the whole story, check out "BACON BITS with Master Happiness" on 98.3 FM, Monday Night at 7:00 PM and start making your life SIZZLE!
Follow us at: or “Bacon Bits with Master Happiness” on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.