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It's human nature to get angry. It is a sign that something is wrong. It is often a reaction to fear, being hurt, or feeling threatened.
When we feel like things are out of our control and are not going the way that we want or have anticipated, we become annoyed. If this feeling is not addresses in some manner, it can build into frustration. Left unchecked, hostility and rage may be the next emotions that we feel. In that state it is too easy to take out that rage on the wrong people.
Let's talk about why we get to that point, how we can prevent it, and what to do when we are around it.
When feeling enraged
B – Breathing adds a pause that allows us to calm down.
A – Analyze the root of our feelings to clarify and further understand.
C – Consider other options.
O – Open up. Don’t hold it inside.
N – Navigate towards a solution and normalize that option.
When faced with Rage (Be sure that you are safe. Walk away if you have to.)
B – Break the momentum. Don’t let it grow.
A – Ask about the Why. What is causing these feelings.
C – Calm over Confrontation. Never fight fire with fire.
O – Offer Empathy or Solutions. What do they need?
N – Nurture and Grow. Help them identify the signs and create new plans.
Learn how we display and act out our anger. Are we passive aggressive, opening aggressive, or assertive?
We are all little teapots waiting to someday blow our top. When that happens how will we and those around us react?
Check out "BACON BITS" on WRLR 98.3 FM, Monday Night at 7:00 PM and start making your life SIZZLE! For additional links on TuneIn, RadioNet, and RadioGarden go to:
Or follow “Bacon Bits with Master Happiness” on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
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