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There is a feeling of safety, traveling in the crowd. We are social animals and desire to be part of tribe, a group, and a community. So, following the pack is often the right decision. But not understanding the goals of the crowd and following blindly is when problems can occur.
Imagine trying to run a company, a community, or a family where no one is willing to conform. It would be awful. So yes, follow with confidence. But make informed choices. Understand who you are following and why you are following them.
B - Bandwagon Effect can influence our decision making. We can make bad decision for a desire to fit in, a desire to be right, and a desire to not be wrong.
A – Adopters follow the Innovators, then the early and late majority, finally the laggards.
C – Cognitive Biases makes pulls us away from rationality
O – Obedience is self-assigned, expected, and feels comfortable. Fear of missing out
N – Normative versus Informational Social Influence is the difference between believing so you’ll fit in versus because it makes sense.
Should I stop following the crowd?
B – Be your own boss. Make informative decisions.
A – Accountability for your own decisions is a sign of maturity.
C – Continue to question the motives and goals of the crowd.
O – Okay to follow, just know who you’re following.
N – “No” is a powerful word! It’s sometimes scary to say, but it carries a lot of power.
What are you willing to give up for what you are hoping to get? The crowd offers a great deal, but it does not offer us everything that we need and want.
For the whole story, check out "BACON BITS" on 98.3 FM, Monday Night at 7:00 PM and start making your life SIZZLE! For additional links on TuneIn, RadioNet, and RadioGarden go to:
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