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Let’s start by defining the difference between venting, complaining, and whining.
· Venting is a way to rid yourself of the things that frustrated or angered you.
· Complaining is having genuine concerns but still looking for conflict.
· Whining is complaining about the trivial with no real desire to solve the problem. It’s just complaining for the sake of complaining.
Sometimes we share our problems because we are looking for solutions and other times it is just to be heard. Sometimes we share to explain, and sometimes we share to cast the blame on others.
Venting can be important in the process of getting control of your emotions. Be careful who you vent to and don't let your venting turn into whining.
How do you handle venting or complaining when you are on the receiving end? Remember the giver is angry, frustrated, and maybe sad. Look for the logic within their emotional dialogue. Determine if they are looking for a solution or do they just need to identify and name their frustration?
The next time you need to vent…
B – Blaming you, me, us, or them?
A – Allies or answers?
C – Constant or Occasional
O – Open Minded?
N – No, not Nagging?
Hope you are willing to listen.
For the whole story, check out "BACON BITS with Master Happiness" on 98.3 FM, Monday Night at 7:00 PM and start making your life SIZZLE!
Follow “Bacon Bits with Master Happiness” on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
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