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Worry, Fatigue, and BACON!

Writer's picture: Marty JaloveMarty Jalove

Have you ever felt the crash after a high-energy experience?

Anxiety and worry can be as mentally exhausting as participating in or anticipating an exciting event or physical act. And when the event that triggered these feelings is over, your whole body may just want to collapse.

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To Worry is to give way to anxiety or uneasiness; to allow your mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.

Fatigue is a persistent feeling of being either mentally or physically tired. It may feel like a lack of energy, a lack of motivation, or a lack of strength.

The fatigue that follows anxiety can form a never-ending cycle. You work yourself into a frenzy worrying about tomorrow. The problems multiply in your mind, causing more stress. Mental exhaustion kicks in and creates even more worry. The more you worry, the more tired you get. The more tired you get; the more you find it easier and easier to worry.

How Linda deals with Anxiety.

B - Be your own best friend

A - Allow yourself to live in the present

C - Compliment yourself

O - Only you can stop the worry

N - Notice how much better you feel

Too Tired?

B – Bedtime is not TV Time

A – Add Some Exercise

C – Cut Down on the Caffeine

O – Om, Meditate, Relax

N – Never rule out Therapy

Never let the possible problems of tomorrow conflict with the soothing slumber of tonight!

For the whole story, check out "BACON BITS with Master Happiness" on 98.3 FM, Monday Night at 7:00 PM and start making your life SIZZLE!

Follow us at: or “Bacon Bits with Master Happiness” on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.


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